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Life Science & Chemicals

Advancing Industry Leaders

In every project, the msg industry advisors team pursues a clear mission: to increase the agility & performance of companies in the pharmaceutical, chemical, & medical technology industries.

Current job offers

msg industry advisors – Our name represents a mission and an identity that we put into action every day in our collaboration with our colleagues and in our business relationships.

Companies in the pharmaceutical, chemistry, biotechnology and medical technology industries trust msg industry advisors. Our service spectrum ranges from management consulting to business process and compliance consulting not to mention digitalization and IT system design.

We focus on the tasks and challenges our customers face: the operationalization of business strategies and the implementation thereof into business processes, the organization itself and business-critical systems and IT architectures. In doing so, we take the specifics of each industry into consideration and implement the strategic decisions that have been made.

Our consulting approach focuses on the viability of our customers into the future. Regardless of whether modifying business models as a result of changing market requirements and trends like digitalization or Industry 4.0 or efficiency enhancing and compliance programs to improve competitiveness or using good judgment to satisfy regulatory requirements.

Our claim:  Advancing industry leaders!

Open positions and contact for your career!

Katharina Keppeler Web

Katharina Keppeler

Manager People & Development

Katharina Keppeler Web

Katharina Keppeler

Manager People & Development

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your application or a specific position.

Voices from the mia team

Please note that the video interviews are only available in German at the moment.
20220701 Msg Hr Web Branchenseite Ma Testimonials Mia Bastian Otto Neu

Bastian Otto

20220701 Msg Hr Web Branchenseite Ma Testimonials Mia Bastian Otto Neu

Bastian Otto

3 questions, 3 answers

Meet Manager Bastian Otto.

Short interview

Bastian Otto
Bastian Otto (Manager)

What is your primary job?

My work focuses on project management and the strategic implementation of the goals of our life science customers in the fields of manufacturing and quality operations. Our most common projects involve the development of production-related IT digitalization strategies and the implementation thereof, including system implementation and process digitalization. Furthermore, as a manager, I am in a position to help my employees grow individually, which not only actively shapes our division, but growth at msg industry advisors as a whole.

Which future-shaping topics will Life Science & Chemicals promote?

If you look at the current level of digitalization in the life science industry, you will quickly realize that there is still a lot of potential for improvement when it comes to production, which is why the major pharmaceutical companies will be facing intense digitalization visions in the next few years. That is precisely where we come in. We work with our customers to help them develop and implement an IT digitalization strategy. Topics cover fully-networked production in the form of Industry 4.0, modern topics such as VR / AR in processing as well mastering traditional “batch” productions and any “single dose” productions.

How would you describe the optimal colleague?

They would have to be laid-back, live by and represent their own and msg industry advisors’ values and be open to and curious about all area of life science. They would have team spirit instead of a “dog-eat-dog” mentality and would - please - have and never lose their personality! You should be promoted in areas you want to grow in! And if they enjoyed a good chat over an espresso / portafilter machine, (gravel) biking or jogging that would be the cherry on top.

Isabel Bauer

Isabel Bauer (Consultant)

20220701 Msg Hr Web Branchenseite Ma Testimonials Mia Baltzer Stefan Neu

Stefan Baltzer
(Senior Manager)

20220701 Msg Hr Web Branchenseite Ma Testimonials Mia Baltzer Stefan Neu

Stefan Baltzer
(Senior Manager)

3 questions, 3 answers

Meet Senior Manager Stefan Baltzer.

Short interview

Stefan Baltzer
Stefan Baltzer (Senior Manager)

What do you do at msg industry advisors?

I am in charge of training within the context of IT projects. Especially with major IT implementation projects, it is important to define which users need which know-how. To that end, it is essential to develop the right training strategy, set up the corresponding training infrastructure and ensure that when all is said and done, users actually understand the new processes and can use them in the new systems.

What do you appreciate most about the culture at mia?

What I appreciate most at mia is the sense of collegiality you experience every day. We always work with and never against one another. Not only does that make customer projects better, but bolsters the individuals. On top of that, we live a culture of trust. For the most part, I am allowed to organize my own work and my colleagues and superiors always have my back.

Are you more of a home office or in-the-office person?

I think a healthy mix is the way to go! That is another thing I really appreciate: It is completely up to me whether I work from home or meet up with colleagues at one of our many locations. There are four different locations in my area alone, which makes the day-to-day nice and diverse.

20220722 Msg Hr Web Branchenseite Ma Testimonials Mia Manfred Neu

Manfred Hörter
(Senior Manager)

20220722 Msg Hr Web Branchenseite Ma Testimonials Mia Manfred Neu

Manfred Hörter
(Senior Manager)

3 questions, 3 answers

Meet Senior Manager Manfred Hörter.

Short interview

Manfred Hörter
Manfred Hörter (Senior Manager)

What do you appreciate most about the culture at mia?

“It takes a team” is not just a saying here, it is the way we live and act. Everyone contributes their strengths, but nobody has to hide their weaknesses. That is the “glue” that keeps us together. I do not leave my colleagues hanging when they need me!/p>

What is your favorite memory at mia?

All the great moments shared by our company motorsports group, the “Health Angels”, where we discovered we are the same people outside the office as we are in the office!

How has your work shaped your life – and vice-versa?

I found “my home” at mia because I can be myself – with all my strengths and weaknesses. There have been difficult times in my life when I was able to rely on my team and they carried me in a remarkable way I will never forget.

20220701 Msg Hr Web Branchenseite Ma Testimonials Mia Simone Bianca Schuft Neu

Simone Bianca Schuft
(Senior Manager)

20220701 Msg Hr Web Branchenseite Ma Testimonials Mia Simone Bianca Schuft Neu

Simone Bianca Schuft
(Senior Manager)

3 questions, 3 answers

Meet Senior Manager Simone Bianca Schuft.

Short interview

Simone Bianca Schuft
Simone Bianca Schuft (Senior Manager)

What made you choose the Life Science & Chemicals division?

“My” industry was determined early on: In my day, it was the chemicals industry that offered a dual training program made up of vocational training and a university degree, the so-called “training for high-school grads”. As a result, I only applied to chemical companies as I started my professional career. That is how I ended up staying in the industry as well, for many years as a line manager in the chemical industry and then changing to consulting with a focus on chemistry and pharmaceuticals. I am now familiar with so many chemical and pharmaceutical companies in one role or another that I cannot imagine working in any other industry. Nor does any other industry seem as enticing, exciting or versatile.

What key properties should a successful consultant have?

Stay curious, be courageous when tackling new tasks and have a good feel for what is moving customers in the current moment. After all, the world moves quickly and will probably get even faster, and a consultant is characterized by their ability to keep up, never shying away from developments, changes and new topics. We can move with it, help shape it and make innovation usable. In doing so, it is important to never lose sight of your customers. Remember to walk in their shoes – and take them along for the ride! Sometimes, however, you have to be willing to take a step back if they need to hit pause. To sum it up: Trailblazer and travel companion.

Are you more of a home office or in-the-office person?

I like being outside. Not just at the office, but especially when working at a customer location. Even I have noticed that I am much more efficient when I work from home. I get more done, use my time better. But one thing is still very important to me: personal exchanges, the conversations that connect us. Back when I started working as a consultant, it was still “5 days a week at the customer’s office”. Fortunately, that is different now. However, a healthy balance between constructive work from home and the valuable personal exchanges that happen in workshops, conversations and on site is something I welcome.

Subhronath Mukherjee
(Senior Manager)

Subhronath Mukherjee (Senior Manager)

20220701 Msg Hr Web Branchenseite Ma Testimonials Mia Korbiniangmeinwieser Neu

Korbinian Gmeinwieser

20220701 Msg Hr Web Branchenseite Ma Testimonials Mia Korbiniangmeinwieser Neu

Korbinian Gmeinwieser

3 questions, 3 answers

Meet Consultant Korbinian Gmeinwieser.

Short interview

Korbinian Gmeinwieser
Korbinian Gmeinwieser

What key properties should a successful consultant have?

In my opinion, among most important properties of a successful consultant is having strong analytical and problem solving skills. After all, consultants are always confronted with the problems a customer is facing. It happens in every project and they are expected to solve them, to provide a benefit for the customer and to assist the customer using the most suitable methods even if the topics are a little vague and fuzzy at first. Well-honed social skills are another important characteristic. Whether in exchanges with customers or internally within the team – customers are always in contact with other people. Consultants should also have a willingness to engage in and a general curiosity about a wide range of topics. Every project, every customer and every day is different and brings different challenges with it, which requires stamina and flexibility.

What is your most positive / favorite memory at mia?

My personal highlight at mia so far was our mia team even in Munich and Bad Tölz, which was hosted in October of last year. After a year of home office and online meetings, it was so nice to finally meet colleagues in person, to chat with them and to spend a couple of nice days together.

Where will your next vacation take you?

My next vacation will immerse me in Greek culture. After a few days of sightseeing in Athens, I will head to the islands of Naxos and Paros. I will relax in the sun, build sand castles and enjoy the Greek tavernas.

20220722 Msg Hr Web Branchenseite Ma Testimonials Mia Nicolas Neu

Nicolas Rusch

20220722 Msg Hr Web Branchenseite Ma Testimonials Mia Nicolas Neu

Nicolas Rusch

3 questions, 3 answers

Meet Consultant Nicolas Rusch.

Short interview

Nicolas Rusch
Nicolas Rusch (Consultant)

What is your primary job?

My primary job at msg industry advisors actually covers a wide range of tasks and always depends on the nature of a given project and my role in it. I have already acted as project management office, computer system validator and data steward. My focus in that context is on the field of commercial excellence where I help customers better understand their own customers and their own customers’ needs. As part of my work, I assist with data collection and analysis by defining validation rules and concepts for ensuring and enhancing data quality. In addition, I am also involved in marketing and sales topics that help our customers better attract customers.

What key properties should a successful consultant have?

In my opinion, flexibility is one of the most important features needed in consulting in order to be well-equipped to handle changing projects, activities and customer requirements. Another fundamental feature is problem solving skills, since as consultants, one of our primary tasks is to assist customers with their problems. Just as essential are self-organization and a well-structured work method as it is easy to get lost in all the tasks and fields of activity. Further skills that should not be overlooked for a successful consultant are the ability to be convincing and solid presentation skills, interpersonal and management skills as well as strategic thinking.

Are you more of a home office or in-the-office person?

I am neither fully one nor the other. I prefer a hybrid form of work where I average 1-2 days a week at the office or at a customer location, but spend the rest working from home. Since I joined the workforce during the pandemic, I only experienced traditional office life during an internship I did while at university. However, I only miss office life to a limited extent, since it is so much less efficient and you spend a lot of time on unproductive activities like getting to and from the office. However, since I do enjoy interacting with people, that aspect should not be missing altogether.

20220722 Msg Hr Web Branchenseite Ma Testimonials Mia Stephan Neu

Stephan Weber
(Senior Manager)

20220722 Msg Hr Web Branchenseite Ma Testimonials Mia Stephan Neu

Stephan Weber
(Senior Manager)

3 questions, 3 answers

Meet Senior Manager Stephan Weber.

Short interview

Stephan Weber
Stephan Weber (Senior Manager)

What is your main job at msg industry advisors?

I am part of the market team and am the engagement manager for two large key accounts in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry, which means I am responsible for advancing their accounts. The role of engagement manager is very important for developing these accounts as I am the customer's central point of contact for all their concerns. My field of expertise is organizational development in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Therefore, it is a wonderful thematic fit that we are mainly responsible for defining and setting up the customer's organization at a successful German vaccine manufacturer in the production-related IT environment with our great team and that we support them as advisors in all crucial areas with colleagues.

What key properties should a successful consultant have?

To be successful, a consultant has to be able to gain their customer’s trust. After all, customers only entrust long-term projects to external consultants they trust themselves. The “trust” factor is an elementary part of a customer relationship and when coupled with other elements, it is what makes a consultant a successful consulted and trusted advisor.

Where will your next vacation take you?

My wife Anja, my son Paul and I love being out on the open roads of Europe in our mobile home “Berni” and enjoying time in the sun. On our next trip, we are going to head to the French Riviera and follow the sun :).

Topics that move us at msg industry advisors

Safely achieving sustainability goals in the chemical industry

Safely achieving sustainability goals in the chemical industry

Every corporate decision leads to direct or indirect environmental influences. This is particularly true for the chemical industry, whose products are used in numerous value chains. Knowing as precisely as possible what impacts are associated with this is a prerequisite for developing sound sustainability strategies that can be implemented.

Safe navigation through the crisis

Safe navigation through the crisis

Pharmaceutical companies need particularly responsive and professional emergency and crisis management, because they bear a special responsibility in supplying the population with sometimes vital medicines. With an adapted and effective business continuity management (BCM), they should therefore illuminate industry-specific risk zones - and implement measures that lead to a rapid restoration of the ability to act in the event of an emergency of stopped lines or failed supply chains.

On the pulse of the customer

On the pulse of the customer

Fulfilling customer wishes before they are expressed or developing a product directly with customers - impossible? Not necessarily. Experience management (XM) opens up these perspectives for companies in the chemical industry. Best practice examples from the industry show how an XM platform can manage stakeholder needs and create added value through valuable insights.

Complete transparency of the supply chain

Complete transparency of the supply chain

Whether transporting hazardous materials or planning a normal route, supply chains present both risks and opportunities when aligning a company with sustainability goals. Four dimensions of action are critical in managing supply chains to take advantage of these opportunities while preventing reputational damage or liability claims.

Rule-compliant farewell to paper documentation

Rule-compliant farewell to paper documentation

Even in the highly regulated environment of the pharmaceutical and medtech industry, legally compliant and complete digital archiving of documents is possible. Replacing scanning" creates the necessary basis.

mia newsroom

You will find the latest industry news and exciting articles on the topics of life science and chemicals in our newsroom.

An excerpt of our technologies and methods

Business process management (BPM)
Business process management (BPM)
Process mining
Process mining
SAP Activate
SAP Activate
Test automation
Test automation
Artificial intelligence (AI)
Artificial intelligence (AI)
Augmented reality
Augmented reality
GxP compliance
GxP compliance

msg industry advisors in figures

of the 5 largest pharmaceutical companies are among our long-term customers
active customers
years of industry experience
different nationalities comprise our team