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msg | Frankfurt

IT starts with us 

Experience the new, sustainable msg work environment at our location in Gateway Gardens. Modern offices & innovative spatial concepts await you.

Available positions at our Frankfurt location

msg’s main goal has been and still is creating an environment for employees where they enjoy working and where their work with management is conducted at eye level, with open and transparent interactions.

Jens Wassermann, msg | Frankfurt Location Manager

msg goes Gateway Gardens

Perfectly connected and easy to get to
Perfectly connected and easy to get to

Gateway Gardens offers a direct connection to one of the largest airports in the world as well as to long-distance and regional train stations. The local public transportation network also provides buses and trains that connect the office to one of the biggest business metropolises in Europe.

Sustainable neighborhood in nature
Sustainable neighborhood in nature

Located directly next to one of the largest city forests with its own private copse of forest nearby & sprawling green spaces, Gateway Gardens is considered the green heart of Frankfurt, an airport city.

Resource-friendly office building
Resource-friendly office building

Our office building is heated with thermal energy from district heating. The ventilation systems are equipped with heat recovery. In addition, the building has energy-saving LED light technology & charging stations for electromobility.

A location like its employees: creative & diverse

The team helps shape things – together we have created inspiring locations

The “think tanks” at our location allow employees to dedicate themselves to their work without interruption. The inspiring effect of these spaces is further enhanced by “think tanks” designed directly by our colleagues and built based on their wishes and ideas. In the end, they went with the concepts of “playground”, “beach”, “think tank” and “Asia”, which they turned into four unique think tanks.

The art of bringing nature to the office

We followed our design goal of highlighting the topic of nature and how humans connect with the natural world all the way down to the names we gave our spaces. The theme is reflected in every room throughout our location by the accent colors we chose - blue, green and yellow -  and in the materials we used for flooring, walls and furniture.

Digital instead of analog – cutting-edge technical infrastructure

We developed the FFM IT service lounge at the entryway of the second floor under the motto “developing innovations”. The lounge provides employees with personal support for IT hardware and software. A “vending machine” with IT accessories means long wait times for accessory orders are a thing of the past.
In addition, our employees enjoy conference rooms with modern equipment, IP and team landline telephony, area-wide wireless coverage and strong bandwidths thanks to a WAN strategy.

The msg | Frankfurt location is now home to more than 400 employees dedicated to developing standard and individual software, advising clients and working on IT and consulting projects. Besides banks and financial service providers, such as Deutsche Bank and DZ Bank, our customers also include companies from the logistics, telecommunications and utilities industries as well as the public sector, all of whom enjoy the support of our industry experts. Colleagues from msg industry advisors, msg security advisors and our Test and Quality Management cross division also operate out of our msg | Frankfurt location.

The following comments provide a brief look at the industries and units at our location:

What our employees have to say about msg | Frankfurt

How to reach us

Amelia-Mary-Earhart-Straße 14, 60549 Frankfurt am Main