Matthias, what is your background and what is the focus of your work at msg?

I successfully completed my degree in administrative sciences with an emphasis on public management back in October 2006. I have worked as an IT consultant for customers in the German-speaking public s ector for more than 13 years – especially at the federal government level. My many years of experience have spanned a wide range of organization, IT design and implementation projects. In recent years, the projects I have been a part of on behalf of government ministries and public companies have allowed me to amass extensive knowledge in the fields of e-government, organization and process consulting, requirements management, project planning, project controlling and bidding process support.

What was your first day of work at msg like?

My first day at msg was in Ismaning on 07/01/2015 – a summery day with temperatures that climbed above 100 Fahrenheit. The first day was organized as a Start Day, where I was able to obtain a very good overview of the company in a workshop-like environment and where I was able to get to know my new colleagues in person. I was given an inside look at the group of companies and it was absolutely overwhelming. At the time I applied for the Public Sector division, I was not aware that the msg group consisted of so many business units and subsidiaries. Their portfolio is extremely broad for an IT consulting company. That was the day I joined a company where I still really enjoy working.

You have been with msg for more than 5 years, what has kept you there?

After working as a management consultant for American and French-led companies, I received an offer from msg in 2015 to help them develop a new business field. I immediately got the feeling that the job was tailor-made for my personal development. At the time, the division had six employees. Today - more than five years later - it has over 80 employees. Looking back, time has flown by, but the dynamics have lasted. Compared to my earlier employers, my work is always appreciated and I always feel like I am making a positive contribution to the company. This positive feeling makes me look forward to the years ahead with msg; years that will be innovative for me.