How did you end up at msg Research and how were you received?

I initially spent four days working at a customer location for another division, but that did not work out with the part-time employment schedule I needed after coming back from parental leave. However, I did want to stay at msg and work in Ismaning. I had already met a few colleagues from the Research division, having worked with them on different projects and I had no problem switching to their team. Thanks to various division meetings, our work in CoCs and joint innovation projects, I was quickly able to get to know them even better.

How have you been able to apply your professional expertise in your work at msg Research?

Having focused on requirements engineering, I am a bit of an outsider in Research working with a bunch of techies. However, that has also led to very constructive collaboration opportunities that forced me to look beyond my own discipline. For example, I am currently working on the interaction between requirements engineering and user experience as well as requirements engineering in agile approaches. I share my know-how during training courses and quickly find out from participants where the “pain points” are in their projects. It is satisfying to bring attention to the relevance of requirements engineering and business analysis, especially since I began managing the Business Analysis CoC.

How have you been able to balance your professional and personal life at msg Research?

My supervisor has three kids themselves and is all too familiar with the craziness of daily family life with small children. As a result, there is a lot of understanding for my situation if I need to miss work due to illness or quarantine. I also really appreciate the flexibility of remote work which lets me get things done outside of normal working hours and since I live nearby, I can spontaneously switch between the office and home as well. My husband also works at msg, so we can help each other out when the unexpected happens and we are even able to go to group-wide meetings together, such as the town hall meetings.